Higher Education for Radio
A wise man once told me that if I charge too low a price for my services, people would be suspicious of the quality and not buy. So, here...
Dave's Addiction
Let's begin with a question: Are you a studio junkie? Before all the COVID-19 insanity, did you spend a lot of your spare time hanging out a
Production By Nietzsche
As you read this, most are just getting back into the swing of the daily radio routine, so let me wish you a Happy New Year. To celebrate...
The Message Is The Medium
This will be my last blog of 2018. The week between Christmas and New Years Day is my one week of broadcast exile, when I don’t even...
Radio Is Dead…again
I’ve been following a discussion on one of the Facebook radio boards that I find quite hilarious, though at the same time very sad. One...
Rude Is NOT My Middle Name…
For YEARS at Z100, I had a reputation for being a grumpy old man, long before I even got old enough to be considered an old man. The...
Getting The Most From Your VO
Every now and then, as a voice-over artist, I get that dreaded phone call from my agent, saying that station XXXX no longer requires my...
So, You Wanna Be A Radio Producer When You Grow Up?
Well…you can’t do both. Every year, about this time, I get a few letters from students asking for advice on how to pursue a career in...
Being Thankful
It’s Thanksgiving week and even though many are not in the least religious I’ve long thought that, being a national holiday, it’s just a...
Branding vs. Imaging
I recently cruised the Internet to satisfy my curiosity about how the “experts” define branding and don’tcha know that of the 25 or so...